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Our Ministries

Children's & Youth Ministry

"But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 19:14)


Our Children & Youth Ministry caters to children as small as 2 years old up to adults with our Weekly Sunday School Hour. Classes are available at Kindergarten level up to Adult level. Our classes are designed to nurture children and help them achieve their full potential as followers of Christ. We want our youth to know God and grow in God, therefore our Children & Youth Ministry employs a tailored program focusing on teaching and reinforcing simple biblical principles as we meet on a monthly basis as announced.

Women's Ministry

The Women’s Ministry exists to engage and mobilize females of our church and of our community, support females in their Christian walk and development towards physical and spiritual maturity through:

  • Periodic Ladies Sessions  – Virtual or Otherwise

  • Bible Study & Prayer

  • Other initiatives and programmes

Men's Ministry

The Men’s Ministry exists to engage and mobilize males of our church and of our community, support males in their Christian walk and development towards physical and spiritual maturity through:

  • Periodic Fella-ship (Male meetings) – Virtual or Otherwise

  • Bible Study & Prayer

  • Other initiatives and programmes

Hospitality & Member's Care Ministry

The Hospitality and Member Care Ministry is grounded in the Culture of Love and Encouragement operating in the spirit of Excellence.

It means demonstrating Christ-like love to the church (body of believers) and the community around the church.

Usher's Ministry

Graciously seating and attending to the needs of the worshippers such that they are ready and receptive to hearing the word and free to Praise and Worship – Our Usher’s Ministry seeks to provide a comfortable, safe and warm environment for all who enter our doors on a weekly basis.

Music Ministry

Our Music Ministry seeks to create an environment that promotes authentic worship to God through music as the team accompanies our Worship Ministry on a weekly basis in lifting the name of Jesus higher. This ministry includes our Church Band, Choir and any special music.

Worship Ministry

Our Worship Ministry works in collaboration with our Music Ministry seeking to create that environment conducive to the flow of the Holy Spirit and encourage the congregation to worship God in Spirit and in truth. This team is continually seeking to improve and serve in the spirit of excellence as they lead on a weekly basis in lifting the standard and the name of Jesus higher.

Media Ministry

Our Media Ministry is the newest Ministry within our church and is currently seeking to deliver a high quality ministry via live streaming on our social media platforms to our online audience and manage our church’s multimedia and social media presence.  

Outreach Ministry

Our Outreach Ministry seeks to provide holistic ministry, catering to the hurting, hopeless and frustrated people of our community and society by way of Benevolent initiatives that would tangibly cater to the current needs of the communities and families in and around our church.

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